Sunday, 22 June 2014

Armour Project: The beginning...


So I thought it could be fun to give this whole blogging thing ago.  Now I know what you're thinking...there are millions of blogs online these days about all sorts of random shit, so why should you read mine?  Well, you don't have to, but if you did, that would be awesome and you might even learn something new :)

Lets get down to business.

In my spare time I dabble in leatherwork, and up to now I've made mostly small things like dice cups, bracers and other random stuff so I thought it was about time I took on something a little big bigger...ok...a LOT bigger...a suit of armour.

I will upload pictures and processes where I think it could be useful for anyone else to have a go and if there is anything y'all want to know, just ask.  I believe in sharing information and technique, especially for such an ancient skill that is lacking in popularity these days.

So without further ramblings from me, lets get started :)

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